lian passmore - sleep coach

Is tired your new normal? Your health and wellbeing may be paying the price.

Spoiler alert - you don't have to be tired all the time! It is not your new normal! You deserve to wake up rested, have consistent energy throughout the day, and be your best version!

  • Do you struggle to fall asleep?
  • Wake up throughout the night?
  • Indulge in some revenge bedtime procrastination - watching TV or doom-scrolling past bedtime?

I've been where you are

Running on fumes and battling through the day with that build-up of tiredness square between my eyes. I put my sleep at the bottom of the list; my health and wellbeing paid the price, along with my performance at work and how I showed up for the people closest to me. I am never my best self when I'm tired, and after 33 years of crap sleep and overwhelming tiredness - I decided enough was enough.

I became a Certified Sleep, Stress and Recovery Coach with Precision Nutrition and tested their methods. Now, I'm a mother of five - including 18-month-old triplets - and I am getting the best quality sleep of my life. And you know what, everything I've implemented - didn't cost me a thing!

Imagine feeling in control of your sleep

Knowing that you can choose to help yourself have deep quality sleep. Having more energy throughout the day, improved memory, faster reaction times and being an all-around better human - whether it's a better spouse, parent or friend. You show up as the best version of yourself because you prioritise your rest and recovery, and it helps you in every aspect of your life.



A PDF Download direct to your inbox.

You'll learn…

  • How to master your sleep behaviours to get deep-quality sleep
  • How to set your mindset up for success by doing a sleep audit
  • How to craft the ultimate pre-sleep and morning routines and why including rituals takes it to the next level
  • Simple nutrition and movement strategies, and I share 14 practices to boost your recovery (from life - you need it!)
  • How to use naps strategically
  • How to craft the ultimate action plan tailored to YOUR life!

You'll get:

  • A 36 page PDF download direct to your inbox
  • 3-step behaviour change framework that you can apply to your entire life
  • 10 actionable exercises to instantly take control of your sleep
  • 44 ways to improve your sleep
  • 24/7 access to our online Sleep Superhero Community
  • Fillable PDF so you can work as you go

What would it be worth to you to show up as the best version of yourself every day?

To be the best partner, parent, and friend, to do well in every area of your life that means something to you?


I genuinely believe you deserve good quality sleep, and I know first-hand how life-changing it can be, so I've made this roadmap $34.99 to make sure it's accessible to as many tired humans as I possibly can.


I've also included:

  • A 6-Step Framework to Transform Limiting Beliefs (you can use this on anything in your life!)
  • 18 ways to track and measure your sleep (with and without devices)
  • Pros and cons of using wearable devices for sleep
  • A step-by-step guide to breaking your sleep goals down into easy and manageable steps to execute over 12 weeks
  • A guide to including an Accountability Practice to supercharge your sleep mastery

What happens if I don't like it or it doesn't work for me?
We offer a Money-Back Guarantee if you follow the 10 actions in the guide and are still trying to succeed. No questions asked!

Your 2024 Sleep Roadmap is NOT for you if…

  • You want Specialist Sleep Advice/Diagnosis (see your General Practitioner or a Sleep Specialist if this is you)
  • You aren't ready, willing and able to make some minor changes (and that's okay; come back when you are my friend)
  • Do you want a quick overnight fix
  • Want a prescriptive plan written for you

But, Your 2024 Sleep Roadmap is perfect for you if…

  • You want to sleep better and don't know where to start
  • Want to make small, manageable changes for the long haul
  • Want to work at your own pace
  • Need inexpensive solutions
  • Want a framework that you can tailor to your own life
  • Are you ready, willing and able to make some minor changes

Are you satisfied with TIRED being your normal...OR do you want to show up as your best self?

What happens after I BUY NOW?

You'll be taken to the purchase page to complete the purchase and then a link will be sent to your email inbox for you to download Your 2024 Sleep Roadmap.


How long is the roadmap/PDF?

It's 37 pages of absolute goodness!

Will this resource help me if I have a sleep disorder?

The PDF focuses on master sleep behaviours, which we can all do daily to promote and achieve deep sleep. You can enhance your sleep behaviours to promote deep-quality sleep if you have a sleep disorder, but I suggest you talk to your Sleep Specialist to let them know your plan first. Focusing on sleep behaviours does not replace needing a Sleep Specialist if you have a diagnosed Sleep Disorder.

Will this roadmap tell me if I have a sleep disorder?

No, it will not, which is beyond my scope of practice. However, I share a link to a downloadable resource on my website, "When to seek support from a Sleep Specialist".

Will the actions you suggest in the Sleep Roadmap cost me lots of money?

NOOOO, I've purposely made sure most of the suggestions and ideas included in this resource are FREE! You do not need to invest much money to get a good night's rest.

How long will it take to see results?

This depends on what you decide to focus on; I can personally say when I started, it only took a few days for me to see significant change, but it depends on how much time you have, your resources and what is going on in your life right now.

How does the Money Back Gaurantee work?

Simply email me at [email protected] to get your refund sorted. We do not require any information but appreciate any feedback so we can continue to improve our resource. Please note, this must be within 30 days of purachse.


Contact Lian

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +64275668803

NEED help with your purchase?

You'll learn…

  • How to master your sleep behaviours to get deep-quality sleep
  • How to set your mindset up for success by doing a sleep audit
  • How to craft the ultimate pre-sleep and morning routines and why including rituals takes it to the next level
  • Simple nutrition and movement strategies, and I share 14 practices to boost your recovery (from life - you need it!)
  • How to use naps strategically
  • How to craft the ultimate action plan tailored to YOUR life!

You'll get:

  • 3-step behaviour change framework that you can apply to your entire life
  • 10 actionable exercises to instantly take control of your sleep
  • 44 ways to improve your sleep
  • 24/7 access to our online Sleep Superhero Community
  • Fillable PDF so you can work as you go

What would it be worth to you to show up as the best version of yourself every day? To be the best partner, parent, and friend, to do well in every area of your life that means something to you?


I genuinely believe you deserve good quality sleep, and I know first-hand how life-changing it can be, so I've made this roadmap $34.99 to make sure it's accessible to as many tired humans as I possibly can.

The power of deep, quality sleep is the biggest kept secret of your life. Try it, I dare you.

three crumpled yellow papers on green surface surrounded by yellow lined papers

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